Cypher on “Transforming Sudan”
“Transforming Sudan: Decolonisation, Economic Development and State Formation” (Cambridge University Press, 2018).

“We Do Not Have Borders”
“Is ethnicity really the primary rubric through which we should be looking at East African societies?...”

“Scenes at 20”: Theses on Hartman
“There’s a difference between developing a language of freedom and developing a desire for it...”

Dig Deep
When will our revolution begin?

“Rich Dad, Poor Dad”; or, the Political Economy of Jay-Z
Despite most economists’ emphasis on the significance of the individual, Jay-Z knows that the family is the basic unit of capital accumulati

“It’s a Habibi’s ting, ya?”: Empire and Nostalgia, Drake and Kendrick Lamar
Drake is more dangerous than Kendrick...

Cypher on the Future of Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African/a Studies
The first step in moving beyond the boundaries of area studies is to take seriously the scholarship of those areas that we want to study...

Werking The Black Underground: On the Insurgent Politics of the “Ho”
In order to gain political purchase on the insurgent work of contemporary trap...

The Martyr’s Shuffle and Other Thoughts on “I Am Not Your Negro”
At the same time as he grapples with the witness/actor dichotomy, Baldwin also seems to be caught up in something of the Benjaminian chiasmu